Rodent Control

Get rid of the rodents in your residential property quickly and effectively with the help of Diamond Exterminators. Our rodent exterminators in Virginia Beach are licensed and experienced in dealing with these pests and more.

More than the annoying knowledge that rodents are running around freely in your home, their infestation can have some heavier and more costly consequences when left unaddressed. Over time, these rodents can impact the structural integrity of your home. They can also bring in all kinds of diseases to you and your family. And eventually, when you put your house on the market, a rodent infestation will repel buyers and bring down the value of your property.

Don’t let these things happen. With the help of our team, you can rest easy knowing your house will be pest-free with just a few visits.

Signs Your Home Needs Rodent Control

There are several signs to look out for when identifying whether your residential property has a rodent infestation. You can start by inspecting darker areas like the back of appliances, inside cupboards, and closets.

  • Gnaw marks like holes and others
  • Droppings
  • Urine odors
  • Rodent runways and nests
  • Scampering noises
  • If you have a pet at home, they will usually behave unnaturally when they sense rodents.

If you’re unsure whether you have a rodent infestation, it’s best to seek the expert evaluation of our team. Call us so we can send someone to be absolutely certain.

Why Choose Our Rodent Control Virginia Beach Services

We’ve become a household name in the 20+ years we’ve helped homes with pest control and home repair services. We’re members of the National Pest Control Association, the Tidewater Pest Control Association, and the Virginia Pest Management Association. All our specialists are fully bonded, insured, and certified.

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